Thursday, January 21, 2016

Life: An Exercise in Freshman Chemistry Kinetics

An Exercise in Freshman Chemistry Kinetics

Draft 2015.07.2  (July, 2015)

Walter J. Deal

Professor Emeritus, Chemistry

University of California, Riverside

Note:  Comments and korekshuns will be enthusiastically welcomed!


Executive summary/abstract:

What’s the definition of life?

Answer:  “Entia [look it up] which replicate and evolve” or, equivalently, “any population of entities which has the properties of multiplication, heredity, and variation.” [John Maynard Smith, The Theory of Evolution, 1975, p. 109]

What’s a reasonable candidate for the simplest form of life?
Answer:  Dimers

Is there a reasonable mechanism for replication of dimers?
Answer:  Yes
Is there a reasonable mechanism for evolution of dimers?
Answer:  Yes

What’s a reasonable possibility for dimers which can replicate and evolve?

Answer:  Dipeptides, but there are undoubtedly other possibilities 

What’s next?
Answer:  Simulations and/or experiments

For the full discussion, click HERE or go to


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